Raja Ram Mohan Roy: The Father of Modern Indian Reform

Raja Ram Mohan Roy also known as the father of the Indian Renaissance. He is the pivot figure of Indian history; his efforts in social, religious, and educational reforms left a lasting impact. This blog explores his life, contributions, and the legacy of his transformative work.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Table of Contents

Raja Ram Mohan Roy also known as the father of the Indian Renaissance. He is the pivot figure of Indian history; his efforts in social, religious, and educational reforms left a lasting impact. This blog explores his life, contributions, and the legacy of his transformative work.

Life and Education

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on May 22, 1772, in Radhanagar, Bengal, Raja Ram Mohan Roy came from a well-off Brahmin family. His father, Ramkanta Roy, was a Vaishnavite, while his mother, Tarinidevi, followed Shaktism. This diverse religious environment shaped his outlook from a young age. We have only limited knowledge about his life and education. But he has developed lots of unorthodox religious ideas at an early stage.He  received a comprehensive education, studying Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit, and later English. This multilingual education exposed him to various cultures and philosophies, including Islamic, Hindu, and Western thought. By the age of fifteen, he had already penned a critique of idol worship, reflecting his early inclination towards reform.

His travels to Tibet and subsequent employment with the East India Company broadened his horizons further. Working with the British administration allowed him to see the stark differences between Indian and Western societies, fueling his desire for reform. His mastery of languages also enabled him to read and translate key religious texts, fostering a deeper understanding of different religious philosophies.

Major Contributions and Reforms

Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s contributions are vast and varied. His most notable achievements lie in the realm of social and educational reforms, which had far-reaching effects on Indian society.

Abolishing Sati

One of Roy’s most significant achievements was his crusade against the practice of Sati, where widows were forced to immolate themselves on their husband’s funeral pyre. Through persistent efforts, he highlighted the inhumanity of this practice. His relentless campaigning and lobbying with the British authorities led to the abolition of Sati in 1829. This was a monumental step in improving the status and rights of women in India.

Educational Reforms

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a strong advocate for modern education. He believed that the traditional Indian educational system needed a revamp to include Western scientific knowledge and critical thinking. In 1817, he helped establish the Hindu College in Calcutta, which became a significant center for learning and intellectual exchange. He also promoted the study of English, mathematics, and science, arguing that these subjects were essential for India’s progress.

Religious and Social Reforms

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a proponent of monotheism and rationalism. He criticized the orthodox practices of Hinduism and sought to rid the religion of superstitions and dogmas. His writings and translations of the Vedas and Upanishads promoted a more philosophical and less ritualistic approach to spirituality. He also campaigned for social issues such as property rights for women, the abolition of polygamy, and the improvement of the condition of India’s peasants.

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Founding of Brahmo Samaj

In 1828, Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj, a socio-religious reform movement aimed at purifying Hinduism and promoting monotheism. The Brahmo Samaj became a platform for Roy’s ideas on social and religious reform. It encouraged the practice of worship based on reason and morality, rather than rituals and idol worship.

The Brahmo Samaj also provided a forum for addressing social issues like caste discrimination, gender inequality, and the need for education. Through the Brahmo Samaj, Roy advocated for a society based on principles of equality, justice, and rationality. His efforts laid the groundwork for subsequent social reform movements in India.

Legacy and Influence

Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s legacy extends far beyond his lifetime. His efforts in social and educational reforms set the stage for India’s modernization. The abolition of Sati marked a significant victory for women’s rights. His push for modern education created a new class of educated Indians who would go on to lead the country towards independence.

The Brahmo Samaj continued to influence Indian society long after Roy’s death in 1833. It inspired other reform movements and leaders, including Keshab Chandra Sen and Rabindranath Tagore. Roy’s vision of a progressive, rational, and just society remains relevant, influencing contemporary debates on social justice and reform.1


Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s life and work symbolize a transformative era in Indian history. His dedication to social justice, education, and religious reform paved the way for a more progressive and inclusive society. As we reflect on his contributions, it becomes clear that his legacy continues to inspire and guide India towards a brighter future.

  1. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ram-Mohan-Roy ↩︎